Pomegranate is an economic sector that contributes significantly to economic, social and human development.

The association is committed to implementing safe and high-quality programs, projects and initiatives and implementing awareness programs to raise capabilities and create economic opportunities aimed at human, economic and social development of the local community.


First: Contribute to sustainable development and alleviate poverty and unemployment among the local community.

Second: Working to promote the pomegranate sector .

Third: Building women’s capacities to enhance their participation in development.

Fourth: Building and strengthening the capacities of young people and facilitating their access to job opportunities.

Fifth: Empowering and building the capacity of workers and volunteers .

Sixth: Work on the sustainability of the association and publicity.

Seventh: Raising the awareness of the local community about the importance of cooperative work to unify individual efforts in cooperative collective work.

    1. Development and promotion of the pomegranate sector.
    2. Provide extension and technology transfer to farmers.
    3. Increase production and added value of pomegranate products.
    4. Training farmers, local community and women in various professions, handicrafts and others.
    5. Implementation of income-generating productive projects.
    6. Create new job opportunities for youth and women.
    7. Implementation of social initiatives.
    8. Developing the cooperation between the members of the association and those who deal with it from associations and people.
    9. Encouraging cooperative work among members in their lives to improve their economic, social and cultural conditions through the concerted efforts of members and the accumulation of their financial resources, and therefore the Association seeks to do the following things:

         A( Supplying the needs of members of agricultural production requirements

         B(Providing agricultural technical services to members of all kinds.

    1. C) Encourage members to practice modern agricultural methods.
    2. D) Securing financial loans for members and raising awareness to save money
    3. E) Organizing seminars and scientific days to educate farmers.
    4. F) Accepting grants, aids and donations from various bodies in accordance with the Cooperation Law and the regulations issued pursuant thereto.
    5. Investing in all possible fields, whether agricultural or non-agricultural, to increase the income of members. 
    6. Search for internal and external markets to market members’ products.
    7. Organizing exhibitions inside and outside Jordan to facilitate the marketing of pomegranate products.
    8. Obtaining a geographical indication in the name of Pomegranate as a fee to protect the region’s product from infringement.
    9. Adopting new project ideas to motivate members to adopt them.
    10. Work to raise the awareness of the local community about the importance of cooperative work to unify individual efforts in cooperative collective work.
    11. Organizing exhibitions inside and outside Jordan to facilitate the marketing of pomegranate products.
    12. Obtaining a geographical indication in the name of Pomegranate as a fee to protect the region’s product from infringement.
    13. Adopting new project ideas to motivate members to adopt them.
    14. Work to raise the awareness of the local community about the importance of cooperative work to unify individual efforts in cooperative collective work.

A.Membership in the Association is voluntary and membership is open without religious or racial discrimination within the conditions specified in the rules of procedure.

  1. Membership Conditions:

   1- To be a Jordanian national.

   2- He must have completed 18-years of age.

   3- To be of good reputation.

   4- Not convicted of a case that violates morals, honor or people’s rights.

The total number of members of the General Assembly of the Association is 97 members, including 39 women, the General Assembly meets annually to discuss the financial and administrative reports.

 The number of members of the administrative body of the association is seven members (including two women) elected by secret ballot for a period of three years .

  Due to the importance of involving women in development and in line with the strategic objectives of the association, a unit has been established to take care of women’s activities and aspirations under the name (Women Empowerment Unit), where this unit was established in 2018 and an independent management committee was formed for it under a separate slogan from the association and headed by one of the women members of the general body of the association, and this unit has implemented many activities for women and training courses of interest to women and related to women’s economic empowerment:

  1. Handicrafts course (drawing on wood using nails and wool threads in cooperation with the Women’s Empowerment Unit Irbid Municipality.

         2.Wood and wool thread manufacturing cycle.

  1. Candle manufacturing cycle.
  2. Advanced course in fringing the shemagh for ten days .
  3. Free medical day (women’s clinic) in cooperation with the Jordanian International Health Aid Society and the United Nations Fund.
  4. Holding a lecture on political participation in cooperation with RASED Center.
  5. Holding a free medical day on osteoporosis in cooperation with the Jordanian Osteoporosis Association.
  6. Establishing a pomegranate manufacturing course in cooperation with the National Center for Agricultural Research.
  7. Holding a lecture on gender-based violence in cooperation with the Arab Women Association.
  8. Holding a celebration for people with special needs on the occasion of the Prophet’s Birthday.
  9. Celebrating International Mother’s Day.
  10. Holding a training course on the manufacture of accessories and painting on glass within the initiative of Start Your Project in cooperation with the financier   Amer Abu Obaid and Irbid Foundation Ajmal.
  1. Establishing a houseplant cultivation course for the disabled.
  2. Beginner course in fringing the shemaghat
  3. Participation in a workshop to empower associations in the national plan organized by the Women’s Empowerment Unit Irbid Municipality in cooperation with Arab women
  4. Indoor Ornamental Plant Care Course
  5. Advanced course in fringing the shemaghat for ten days
  6. Advanced course in cold soap making
  7. Pickles manufacturing cycle
  8. Implementation of a workshop on the manufacture of various jams
  9. Holding a training course on recycling household waste to produce coordination products in cooperation with Elixir Company
  10. Holding a celebration on the occasion of International Women’s Day 8/3/2021

The center of the association in  Bani Kenana  on the far northern border of the Kingdom with the Syrian Arab Republic, and the scope of work of the association in all areas of Irbid Governorate.

First: Projects, programs, activities and initiatives that promote economic growth, social empowerment and environmental sustainability: Work with international and local organizations:

  1. Water demand management projects in cooperation with Mercy Corp worth 64 thousand dinars for the maintenance and rehabilitation of springs and water sources and lining irrigation channels where they became cement channels to save water from waste and speed up its arrival to orchards has benefited from this project about 300 farmers and the area of orchards about 550 acres and increased the productivity of orchards by 40% and increased the cultivated area by 25%While these springs were of low flow and completely cut off after the fifth month of the year and the percentage of water loss (when the channels were dirt) is very high and needs a long time to reach the orchards

Many training courses were held for farmers to raise their efficiency in horticulture management and improve production in quantity and quality.


  1. The revolving loan project with a value of 14,000 JOD aims to give the beneficiary a loan of 1000 JOD to dig a well to collect rainwater from a roof, as this project provides you with a beneficiary of 25% of the family’s water needs annually.
  2. Agriculture and food security projects in cooperation with the FAO and benefited 146 Syrian and Jordanian women, where during these projects women were trained on home farming and home food processing so that the family can benefit from home garden products and invest them in providing the family’s needs of vegetables and converting the surplus into manufacturing products or selling it to increase the family’s income.


  1. Project to create job opportunities and improve food security in communities hosting Syrian asylum in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO and benefited 100 participants from Jordanians and Syrians, where the participants in the project were trained on the manufacture of pomegranate products in safe and safe manufacturing methods and methods and this project had important outputs where pomegranate products developed in quantity and quality, as the number of manufacturing products of pomegranate became eight products after they were limited to the manufacture of pomegranate molasses .
  2. A project to raise the capacities of women working in the agricultural sector in Jordan, which benefited 20 women in cooperation with ACTED and UNWOMEN.
  3. The project of creating sustainable job opportunities in the agricultural sector for Syrians and Jordanians in cooperation with ACTED organization, and this project includes 200 beneficiaries under the umbrella of the association of Jordanians and Syrians, and this project included training and operation of 200 beneficiaries of both sexes, where the participants were trained on various agricultural systems and the protection of crops, processing, grading and benefiting from them in food processing, and this project has emerged several projects adopted by the participants collectively or individually,


  1. The agricultural project funded by Eco Consult Company to cultivate four greenhouses and the value of the project is 15,000 JOD.
  2. The association implemented the work for cash project, which was implemented by the association in cooperation with the Ward Vision Organization and funded by GIZ, where this project worked to employ 821 workers of Jordanians and Syrians of both sexes, 80% males and 20% females in five batches, during which the worker receives a daily wage of 12 dinars, a meal and transportation insurance from the association to the work site, in addition to including workers under the shade of social security and issuing work permits for Syrians, and the productive kitchen in the association prepares meals Daily food for workers within a weekly program and in safe and healthy conditions. . Where workers were employed in the Wadi Al-Arab Dam area to make stone walls (Qabionat) before the dam area and lining the dilapidated parts of the dam body in addition to afforestation of the area surrounding the dam and these measures aim to mitigate and prevent the arrival of silt to the dam basin to increase the life of the dam and save the largest amount of water.
  3. The Society implemented the non-refundable grants project in cooperation with the Near East Foundation, where the beneficiaries are trained according to the project proposals submitted by them (technical training, financial management and marketing training) and then they are given sums of money to implement small home projects, and the number of beneficiaries of this project so far has reached 500 beneficiaries and the value of one grant is 500 650 JOD. The project benefits Jordanians and Syrians, and this project had a great impact on the spread of small projects and working from home, which reflected positively on increasing the income of beneficiary families on the one hand and providing services or products that benefit the local community on the other hand.
  4. Lending portfolio project for small projects The value of this portfolio is 66,000 Jordanian dinars in cooperation with the Near East Foundation (Siraj Office), where the beneficiary is granted an amount ranging from 500 to 2500 dinars to be paid in convenient monthly installments without any interest. The beneficiary uses this loan in the development of his project and receives technical training, financial management and marketing. The number of beneficiaries of this project has so far reached 128 beneficiaries.


  1. The Association implemented the project of extension units and employment support in the agricultural sector with the support of the International Labor Organization, where the Assembly implemented this project in all its aspects by opening units for extension and employment support in the agricultural sector in four governorates: Irbid, Mafraq, Zarqa and Balqa and the headquarters of the project management in the Association of Kfarsoum for pomegranate producers.Through this project, networking was carried out with a number of associations in different governorates, where these units were opened in the following associations (Blue Ladies Cooperative Society, Abyada Hands Cooperative Society, Future Visions Cooperative Association, Captain Cooperative Society) and the project lasted from 6/2020 to 28/2/2023. This project provided several services through these units:
  • Issuing permits for Syrian workers to facilitate their entry into the labor market officially and regularly without violating the laws to protect them from prosecution by the competent authorities.
  • Employment in the agricultural sector for Jordanians and Syrian refugees, male and female, by visiting farms, registering the available job opportunities and their number, and then transferring job seekers to these farms and employing them.
  • Educating job seekers about (labor law, occupational health and safety, agricultural workers system, child labor, social security)
  • Educating job seekers with vocational guidance and guidance according to the evidence approved by the International Labor Organization (how do I choose my future profession and the second how to organize my job search)
  • Guiding young job seekers on how to work in the green economy and entrepreneurship according to a guide approved by the International Labor Organization
  • Job seekers are trained with technical training according to his request or according to the request of the employer
  • 12,501 job seekers were employed in the agricultural sector and in several governorates
  • Employers have been provided with stable and trained labor that practices agricultural operations properly, which affects the provision of waste in production requirements such as fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation water.
  • 7134 flexible work permits were issued to Syrian refugees of both sexes, facilitating their entry into the labor market in a regular manner
  • Training 50 researchers technical and technical work
  • Educating 3445 job seekers on (labor law, occupational health and safety, social security, child labor)
  • Providing vocational and career guidance to 1441 job seekers according to the evidence issued by the International Labor Organization


  1. The project of issuing agricultural work permits for CARE International Issuing work permits for the Syrian brothers, where work permits were issued in two stages, the first 400 flexible work permits and the second stage 900 permits, and this project works to issue flexible work permits from Syrian refugees in the agricultural and construction sectors free. Where the association bears the full costs of issuing permits without the worker bearing any costs and this project aims to organize Syrian labor and facilitate their entry into the labor market regularly and legally and facilitate their movement between governorates according to the availability of job opportunities.


  1. The Society implemented the economic and social empowerment project for women in cooperation with the Princess Taghreed Foundation for Development and Training and with the support of the European Union within the project to combat gender-based violence, and 120 women participated in the project for a period of three months, where during this project women were trained on a number of professions, most notably (sewing and detailing, soap making, handicrafts, creams, fringing shemaghat, making baskets from banana paper, crochet) . The project aims to provide women with skills to help them open home businesses to help increase family income.


  1. The Society implemented a project to improve the livelihoods of young people in host communities and Syrian refugees in cooperation with the International Relief Committee Society (training ending with employment), where 30 beneficiaries were trained in agricultural technical training on sound agricultural practices, farm management and food processing, then 20 beneficiaries were transferred to farms and work contracts with employers and the participation of workers in social security and the project included Jordanian and Syrian nationality and of both sexes, males and females.


  1. Project to improve the lives of host communities and Syrian refugees in Irbid Governorate in cooperation with the Lutheran Charitable Union, and this project includes work in three axes
  • Establishing a livestock farm in partnership between the association and the Lutheran Charitable Union
  • Involving 15 beneficiaries from the local community, Jordanians and Syrians, as beneficiaries of the project
  • Training local community groups from Jordanians and Syrians on the manufacture of various dairy products and the management of livestock farms
  1. The association implements the lending portfolio project in cooperation with the Global Environmental Facility, and this project includes granting beneficiaries financial loans to dig domestic wells for water harvesting of rainwater from the roofs of houses, and this loan is repaid in convenient installments without interest on the original amount, and this project is of great importance, as the region suffers from water scarcity and poor water supply to homes through water networks, especially since Jordan is the second poorest country in the world in terms of water scarcity.


  1. Signing and implementing a strategy to implement a number of service and production projects with the Near East Foundation that contribute to the expansion of the service of members of the General Authority and the local community and reflect positively on services and contribute to increasing the income of the association and serving farmers and the local community, as these projects are implemented over a period of three years, namely (building a training hall for farmers, opening a center for manufacturing and selling dairy products, a tractor mechanism center with a tank of spraying pesticides to serve farmers and members of the association)
  2. Rehabilitation of an environmental park for children and handed over to the municipality of Kfarsoum, where it was equipped with all amenities and games and was equipped with lamps working on solar energy, and this park aims to be an environmental breathing and a safe space for children and their families and protect them from cans in the streets and prevent their exposure to the risk of accidents and run over.



  • Governance:

1.The number of members of the General Assembly of the Assembly upon establishment is 13 members and has now reached 97 members, including 39 women, and the number is constantly increasing, as membership is available in line with the seven cooperative principles, and the General Assembly meets to discuss the financial and administrative report annually and the election of the Management Committee every three years through secret ballot, in addition to the election of the Control Committee.

2.The capital of the association at the time of establishment is 3900 Jordanian dinars and now the capital of the association is 29300 dinars and the total property of the association is about 170000 dinars

  1. The organizational structure of the association: The organizational structure of the association includes the following (General Assembly, Management Committee, Control Committee, Association Director, Employees, Program Managers, Women’s Empowerment Unit)

4.The association has internal regulations regulating the relationship between employees and the association

  1. The association has a social responsibility policy, a human resources policy and a financial policy
  2. The association has a complaints and suggestions box
  3. The Association shall annually prepare the financial budget and shall be subject to the audit of the Jordanian Cooperative Corporation, and the Association shall obtain annually a clearance from the General Organization for Income Tax
  4. The association holds several letters of thanks from different parties and cooperative societies
  5. The Society signed several documents of understanding with a number of cooperative societies.

    v Cooperative principles:

    1. The association carried out a training course entitled MY COOP in which members of several associations participated

    2. Membership is open to all individuals who meet the membership conditions

    3. The association distributes annual profits to the members

    4. The Society implemented several community initiatives, including (“Montak Men Betak “, Back to School initiative, environmental park yards, distribution of distance learning cards, free medical days)

    5.The association implements training courses for members

    6. The association has an independent administration elected by secret ballot every three years as well as a control committee.

    7. Organizing and implementing two training courses for those wishing to establish cooperative societies from young people under the title (StartCOOP, ThinkCOOP)


    v Expanding the collaborative model and strengthening the collaborative identity:

    1. The Society conducted a field survey in the governorates of Irbid and Mafraq for those interested in establishing cooperative societies with a focus on the youth category in order to identify those interested in establishing cooperative societies.

    2. Two training courses were implemented, one in Mafraq Governorate and the other in Irbid Governorate under the title THINK COOP AND START COOP in which 33 young people participated.

    3.The Society, in cooperation with the Jordan Cooperative Corporation and the International Labor Organization, implemented a training course entitled MY COOP in which members of the following associations participated (Cypress Cooperative, Guava Producers Cooperative Association, Almond Producers Cooperative Association, in addition to members of the Kfarsoum Association)

    4. Holding a training course in cooperation with the Jordanian Cooperative Corporation for four days entitled The importance of cooperative work and the principles of cooperative work, in which 30 young men and women participated 
  1. The association holds several letters of thanks from civil and official associations and institutions
  2. The method of WhatsApp groups has been adopted to communicate with members
  3. Creating new pomegranate products that are not produced in Jordan such as pomegranate oil, pomegranate vinegar with garlic and honey, pomegranate cream, pomegranate musk, which are products of very large material and therapeutic value, especially pomegranate oil.
  4. Introducing mechanization to the pomegranate sector, especially the pomegranate overload machines and the pomegranate age machine, where time and effort were saved on farmers in addition to reducing the wages of workers very significantly
  5. Raising the added value of the pomegranate sector by converting pomegranate waste such as (peels and pomegranate seeds), which was previously a great challenge for how to dispose of them and are a burden on farms and the environment, as they are considered environmental pollutants and a source of pest infestation for the next season, as these residues have been converted into products of great material value A liter of pomegranate oil is sold for 330 JOD.
  6. Introducing the idea of hydroponics to the region, where the association implemented a hydroponic project in cooperation with the Economist Company, and it was an educational idea for the local community.
  7. Signing a marketing and distribution agreement with Aley Foundation for Project Management to market the products of farmers and producers of rural women.
  8. Implementation of the initiative to raise and enhance the efficiency of women to participate in the elections in cooperation with the Takamul Market for Community Ideas and Initiatives, where awareness sessions are held on the importance of women’s participation in the elections as a candidate and as a voter, about 500 women were reached.
  1. Through the employment office, which was established in cooperation with the International Labor Organization, the association secured many job opportunities (for Syrians and Jordanians) in the agricultural sector and olive presses during 2017.
  2. The association trained and operated 200 beneficiaries through the project of creating job opportunities for Syrian and Jordanian refugees in the agricultural sector for a full year and adopted collective projects at the end of the project during the years 2018_ 2019_2020_2021
  3. The association employed 821 Syrian and Jordanian workers in the cash-for-work project during 2018-2019 in cooperation with Ward Vision Organization.
  4. The association provides 17 permanent job opportunities in the association’s projects owned by it (pomegranate orchards, productive kitchen, protected agriculture, agricultural materials shop, dairy factory and livestock project)
  1. Issuing work permits for Syrian workers working in the agricultural sector in cooperation with the International Labor Organization
  2. The initiative to raise and enhance the efficiency of women to participate in the elections, which included about 700 women
  3. 16 Days of Combating Gender-Based Violence Initiative
  4. Lectures on cybercrime in girls’ and male schools
  5. Initiative (We have goodness and our people are not) distribution of parcels of goodness to 80 families
  6. A cup of oil from every home initiative
  7. Participate in the development of a document of honor for social events
  8. Organizing the first, second and third pomegranate festival and participating in the preparatory committee for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and tenth annual pomegranate festival
  9. “Montak Men BetaK”, which was implemented by the association during the beginning of the Corona pandemic, where 40,000 vegetable seedlings grown in home gardens were distributed, and 600 families benefited from this initiative.
  10. The environmental garden initiative at a cost of 3980 dinars was established in the town of Kfarsoum in the month of 12/2020 within the social responsibility program
  11. Forming a team of volunteers consisting of twenty girls and young men to work with the disabled.
  12. “Montak Men Betak” second season where 1200 laying hens were distributed
  13. Fina Al-Khair initiative and our people are different, where 50 parcels were distributed to 50 families and financial portfolios were opened for 50 people in cooperation with Jordan Renovators
  14. Distributing cards for distance learning in cooperation with Joe Academy and Al-Hadaf Library, where 1000 cards were distributed
  15. Distribution of cups for the examination of Al-Ayum Introduction to Al-Shami Ophthalmology Center
  16. Back to School Initiatives for 2021, 2022, and 2023 respectively
  1. The association has an internal system to organize all matters related to it from affiliation to the association to the distribution of profits
  2. The association has a system and internal regulations for penalties and violations
  3. The association is subject to the instructions and regulations of the Jordanian Cooperative Corporation
  4. There is a control committee composed of three members elected by the general body
  5. There is an annual meeting of the General Assembly of the Association in which the financial and administrative report of the Association is discussed during the year
  6. The association has a special committee for procurement
  7. The association has a journal to record daily and weekly revenues and expenses
  8. The Association has a special register of supplies and property of the Association
  9. The association has a child protection document
  10. The Association has a human resources policy
  11. The association has a social responsibility policy
  1. In the field of supporting wells for water harvesting, there are 120 success stories with the beneficiaries, represented by providing 35 m3 of water for each beneficiary, which constitutes about 25% of the family’s annual needs that the family used to buy by water tankers.
  2. Productive groups working in several agricultural projects.
  3. Supporting 128 productive projects with refundable loans and no interest rate
  4. Supporting 500 productive projects with non-refundable grants

General Assembly of the Association

The total number of members of the General Assembly of the Association is 97 members, including 39 women, the General

Pomegranate is an economic sector that contributes significantly to economic, social and human development.

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